How do you build the best imaginable web service for the aged care sector? You just keep innovating. is our partnership with Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA). The brief was to:

• build the ultimate consumer friendly educational portal and service guide
• position the aged care sector as positive and progressive
• attract new employees to the sector
• and showcase to the media that the sector is professional and responsible

We launched just 12 weeks ago and the uptake has been three times faster than forecast – thanks to all including UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide who joined us this week with six aged care facility listings.

Phase Two is close. We have an Australian/Sri Lankan development team who are amazingly clever and working hard.

Project leader Antonia Norris and I have just visited our colleagues in Colombo to fine-tune some unique tools we will be introducing.

Sri Lanka is an amazing country with a unique history that makes Europe look positively young. And the people are warm, friendly and exceptionally bright. They also do not have a mature aged care sector – their culture is for parents to live with their children as they age.

Our developers look at us questioningly.

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