The not for profit Gallipoli Health Services is building the $20 million Rahma Aged Care facility in the Sydney western suburb of Auburn, adjacent to the Gallipoli Mosque, with completion due January 2017.
They have approval for 95 beds against a forecast demand of 360 beds.
The Mosque attracts worshipers from over 20 different nationalities. The top 10 are: Turkish, Lebanese, Indian, Egyptian, Iranian, Syrian, Afghani, Iraqi, Pakistani and Bangladeshi.
Examples of the specific religious requirements of the design include beds facing the Qibla, toilets facing away from the Qibla, prayer rooms, residential clusters to allow for segregation and Islamic themed décor.
Qibla is the shortest distance/line to the Kaaba, the ancient stone structure that was built by prophets as a house of monotheistic worship. It is located inside the Grand Mosque in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba is considered the centre of the Muslim world, and is a unifying focal point for Islamic worship).
The Federal government is providing $10M towards construction of the balance being raised from donations from the Muslim community.