This week Elizabeth Battersby at Clarenvale Village (Melbourne) and Kim Sinclair at the approved provider Spine & Limb Foundation (Perth) both asked our B2C Marketing Manager Allison Moller (pictured) if she could produce a PDF handout directing early stage customers to

Allison has and you can download a copy HERE.

Elizabeth and Kim tell us that their staff consume a lot of time trying to help potential customers that don’t understand the aged care system and don’t understand what they have to do before they can apply for an aged care place.

Their customers are getting frustrated and their staff are challenged because they can’t help to the degree they would like.

Elizabeth and Kim separately came to the same conclusion. Direct these customers to to be educated on the aged care system. agedcare101 simply explains the 9 steps they have to take before they can get an aged care place.

You can check out agedcare101 HERE and the handout HERE.

Thanks Elizabeth and Kim for the suggestion.

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