With stage one and two completed last November, stage three of GLAICA’s Pacific Cape residential and aged care development with 14, two-bedroom villas and a new clubhouse in Forster is due for completion in September 2018.

Approval has been received for a 160 -bed residential aged care facility on the site along with a 20-unit apartment building and tenders for the construction of the first stage are expected to be awarded in the second half of next year according to GLAICA general manager John Quinn.

Member for Lyne, David Gillespie, congratulated the organisation on the progress of the development and commented on the significant expansion going on in retirement living and aged care services being made available in the area with more than $130 million a year being invested by the Government in the electorate.

Dr Gillespie added that as well as delivering major social benefits to Forster and the broader Great Lakes community, there is also significant economic benefit to the region through the creation of hundreds of direct and indirect jobs both during and after construction.

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