Tasmanian senator Helen Polley (pictured left) has continued to publicly attack the Coalition’s changes to aged care funding, despite Labor voting with the Government last week to keep the controversial cuts.

A recent press release on Senator Polley’s website blasts the Abbott/Turnbull Government for taking ‘an axe to workforce measures’ including ‘most recently slashing billions from the Aged Care Funding Instrument without consultation or financial modelling.’

Aged & Community Services (ACSA) CEO Pat Sparrow (pictured right) said while ACSA understood that Senator Polley had expressed her concerns about the funding of aged care services, the reality was that the ALP had supported the Government’s changes to ACFI.

“ACSA is continuing to advocate for a more sustainable funding model so that providers have funding certainty,” she stated.

“We need to negotiate the best possible outcome for aged care providers, given the Government and the ALP are voting together on these changes.”

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