John Barilaro, the National Party member for the NSW state parliament seat of Monaro, believes that changes by Fair Trading to the operation of retirement villages will be good news for people in the New South Wales south east.

"We are an area of destination for retirees so what we've got to do is make sure when people enter into contracts into retirement villages, they get all the information up front,” Mr Barilaro said.

Standard contracts and disclosure statements will be introduced under changes implemented by Fair Trading.

“I'm confident there will be clear communication for the future and looking forward to see how we progress that and I think around September 2013- later in the year- we will see a lot of retirement villages on that standard contract," he said.

The south east is an attractive destination for retirees says Mr Barilaro and more transparency in the way retirement villages operate is welcome. The aim is to reduce confusion in the sector.

“I think what the reforms does do is that it works around the confusion and the complexity.

“Both the person and individuals who are going to use the retirement villages, but the retirement villages themselves need to make sure that the information they're giving out is right."

Concerned that moving into a retirement village can be a complex procedure, he welcomes the changes and says the new regulations should make the process easier.

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