Residents at Uniting Caroona Yamba, a 140-bed aged care home at Yamba on the North Coast, have founded their own bloke’s brewing club after approaching management.

Manager Debra Smith told the ABC there were no rules stopping residents from drinking, or making, their own alcohol on-site.

“We’re quite happy to cater for residents with their own interests,” Ms Smith said. “They have a right to choose what they would like to do and we’re keen to go with that and not put barriers around them.

The group recently cracked open their first batch of pale ale, and one of the brewers Jim Hughes, a former publican, said it was as good as any beer he had ever tasted.

“I’ve had a fair bit to do with beer, in so far as I’ve enjoyed drinking it for 60 years,” he said.

Caption: Uniting Caroona resident Ray Braid with one of the bottles of beer he brewed.

Image credit: Samantha Turnbull – ABC News.

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