The package unveiled by Lord Mayor Graham Quirk includes:

• Cutting infrastructure charges for an average aged care unit by 33% from $8,000 to $5,300 for three years

• Allowing an extra two storeys in medium- and high-density locations

• Considering proposals for privately-owned sport and recreation areas, if there is a community benefit provided

• Amending the 2014 City Plan to include a new streamlined code for assessing developments

The Council’s Labor opposition has slammed the infrastructure changes however, saying the money will go straight into developers’ pockets.

Cr Quirk argues the scheme is essential though. Only 49 retirement and aged care developments were approved by Council between 2010 and 2015 for a total of 5,159 beds, an average of less than 1,000 a year.

“Over the next 12 years, there is a forecast average annual increase of 3,600 persons that may require dedicated retirement or aged care accommodation,” he said.

Similar incentives set up in the past for new hotels and student accommodation have worked to increase the number of developments. Clearly Council are hoping they will pay off again.

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