New data from a Merrill Lynch study has shown a major swing in retirement trends, putting entirely new questions to housebuilders that ask how to cater to a new wave of non-retiring types.

The data indicated 47% of retirees in the UK are either ‘working or plan to work in retirement’, and 72% of people in the 50-plus age group said they plan to do the same.

Nick Sanderson, CEO of British retirement village operator Audley, says developers need to redefine the ‘outdated’ concept of retirement.

“We recognise reaching the age of 55 does not mean you’re ready to slow down, nor give up work,” he says.

“This philosophy is reflected by the many ‘unretired’ people living at our villages who have chosen to continue in work or volunteer.”

The changing face of retirement living is already being observed in the Australian industry, with many village operators adapting practices, designs, and ethics to reflect that of a more vibrant group of retirees.

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