Residents of RetireAustralia’s Bundaberg-based village, Carlyle Gardens, have been reaping the benefits of their fruitful community garden; a result of their efforts being the wonderful produce it has provided for the village.

The garden was first planted in March last year, and has since been a source of recreation that bringing neighbours together to socialize and share the garden’s yield.

Margaret Halliday helped established the garden along with her partner Robert, fellow resident Les Mills and others.

“We have pumpkins, tomatoes, shallots, rosella, plus we have rose gardens and succulents in a dry area,” Margaret said.

“People love the jams, relishes and chutneys that are made from the produce.

The residents who tend to the garden also supply produce in the community centre for other residents and staff to enjoy for a small donation in return.

As well as tasty fruit and vegetables, the garden’s social aspect brings other great benefits.

“It’s a social thing – anyone is invited to take part,” Margaret said.

“On Sunday mornings we water the produce, then have a cup of coffee and a snack or something and generally discuss what’s going on with the garden.”

Keen travellers Margaret and Robert have lived at Carlyle Gardens for five years, and are enjoying life at the beachside community as much as ever.

“We love the peace and quiet, the security and the fact we can regularly meet up with friends,” Margaret said. “It’s a very social sort of place.”

“When we’ve been away, it’s always a great place to come back to.”

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