Suzanne Dvorak has been headhunted to lead Australian Unity’s retirement village in aged care businesses under the title Executive GM, Residential Communities.

The new position comes after Derek McMillan reorganised his rapidly expanding division as it digests Home Care Services of NSW, which he purchased last October with 50,000 clients and 4000 staff, at an investment of $110 million.

The division has transitioned from Retirement Living to Independent & Assisted Living Business, with McMillan as CEO.

Suzanne moves from CEO of Vivar Healthcare which provides outsourced allied care (physiotherapists, podiatrists and dietitians) to over 280 aged care facilities. Previously she has been CEO of Save the Children Australia and Marie Stopes International, plus she has worked with the Red Cross and the UN in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. She has also been awarded in the National Telstra Business Women’s Awards.

McMillan says part of Dvorak’s role is responding to the CDC competitive marketplace; she will be tasked to extend the reach of their home and disability services into their residential communities. Australian Unity has 18 retirement villages and four aged care facilities.

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