Australian retirement lifestyle provider Living Choice has made a landmark agreement with The Flagstaff Hill Golf Club, of South Australia, acquiring part of its land along Memford Way to make way for a brand new $40 million retirement village. Once approved by the local and state governments, it would be the first integrated retirement village and golf club in the state.

Conveniently located 18 kilometres south of Adelaide, the new facility will include 133 villas and apartments in buildings up to four storeys high, and cater for 200 residents. Future residents who purchase properties within the village are touted to also receive complimentary golf club membership.

The course itself will also receive a renovation courtesy of Living Choice, an agreement reached by both the Club and Living Choice, but no changes will be made to the existing 18-hole course.

“None of our holes are changing, this is an area that will encompass our practice fairway and carpark,” confirmed Flagstaff Hill Golf Club General Manager Adrian Johnston.

Living Choice Australia General Manager Jason Sack said the development was a win-win for both parties.

“We’ve looked at this from many angles and it’s pretty hard to put a negative spin on it,” Mr. Sack said “We’re so excited about this.”

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