Leading retirement village operator Gateway Lifestyle has published the results from their very first comprehensive Resident Survey conducted earlier in 2017, and the answers on everything from village safety, to community connectedness, have proven to be overwhelmingly positive.

 Gateway Lifestyle says that the survey was designed to be a broad-ranging health check on social and environmental factors, and perceptions that affect residents’ quality of life.

Topics addressed in the questions included village safety and security, health and wellbeing, community connectedness, village engagement in recreational activities, and environmental factors.

 Survey answers have given a clear signal that Gateway Lifestyle residents rank the sense of community, the role of community managers, and their overall wellbeing, as their highest priorities.

Of residents who responded, 70% felt their wellbeing had improved since moving into a Gateway Lifestyle Community, with of 72% rating their welfare as “great”. On the subject of safety and security, 95% of residents responding that they feel safer living in their Gateway Lifestyle village communities.

Residents also lauded Gateway Lifestyle’s multiple convenient locations, with 75% of residents saying they visit local amenities outside their community regularly, and 93% are happy with the level of accessibility around the community facilities.

Most notably of all the statistics, the Gateway Lifestyle Resident Survey highlighted that 89% of current residents are happy to recommend moving into a Gateway Lifestyle community to a friend or relative.

Good news all round.

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