Helping Hand has this week announced a proposal to construct a brand-new, $37 million retirement village and aged care facility catering for 110 people. Not only will it serve local senior residents, the village is touted to create 130 ongoing jobs in health, caring, administration, and management.

Helping Hand chief executive Ian Hardy said the selection of the location for the village was ideal, as it is closeby to shopping precincts and arts centres. He also emphasized how Helping Hand realised the importance of keeping senior citizens close to family, their friends and the local community when moving into a care home or retirement village.

“Golden Grove in our estimation is under-serviced for residential care,” he said.

“Looking at the pattern of ageing in the Golden Grove region, the number of people aged over 80 expands significantly over the next 20 years.”

The planning application to begin the first stage of the project is now before local council, and once under way should reach completion by 2019.

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