Most of us say that we want a successful retirement. Unfortunately, too many of us don't think things through, and could end up unprepared for retirement. It's remarkably easy to wreck your retirement years. Here are three steps that are likely to ruin your retirement:
1. Forgo a plan.
Planning often seems overrated but, unfortunately, without a plan, there is nothing to help you on your path to retirement.
A retirement plan forces you to look beyond what you think you want right now. Instead, you need to look at where you want to be, relative to where you are right now.
2. Rack up debt.
One of the biggest retirement killers is debt. When you have debt obligations, your money isn't your own. Instead of using your money to build wealth, you are paying interest straight into someone else's pocket.
Instead of getting into debt now, live within your means. Make a plan to pay off debt before you retire, including mortgage debt if possible.
3. Neglect your health.
The cost of health care continues to rise, and poor health can really ruin your retirement. Not only is poor health expensive, but it also seriously reduces your ability to enjoy yourself in retirement.
Take care of yourself now. While there is no complete guarantee that you won't get sick, or end up with a chronic illness, you can still improve your chances of living with excellent health in retirement. Exercise, eat healthier including brain-boosting superfoods (yes broccoli), and get the right amount of sleep.
Consider your current situation, and think about what you want for the future. Create a plan to pay off debt and save your money. And, while you're at it, don't forget to take care of yourself. Keep your body healthy and your mind sharp, so you'll be better able to enjoy retirement for many years.