Ingenia has recently announced exciting new lifestyle-focused residency opportunities at their Ingenia Lifestyle Chain Valley Bay retirement village. Those looking to downsize have the chance to make the most of a land-lease and home ownership opportunity within the sought-after community.

Project Sales Manager for Ingenia, Jason Webb, said that as the first three stages have now sold out and more releases are set to arrive very soon, potential residents should schedule a tour of the village in the near future.

“Whether you’re ready to downsize now or just starting your research, the pension changes are forcing some to consider new housing options like land lease communities, to be able to pursue a financially stable lifestyle based on independence, health and wellbeing,” Jason said.

The demand for land lease communities comes at a crucial time as many senior Australians are investigating options to free up equity to maintain financial freedom and the lifestyle they desire.

“This ensures a much more affordable entry price point and means new residents are often able to free up a substantial amount of equity raised in the sale of their previous home,” Jason continued.

Current residents of the village, Helen and Dennis McNeil, downsized to their new Valley Bay home earlier in 2017, and are enjoying the benefits of the active community lifestyle.

“We absolutely love living in our new home and are amazed at how close the community is to the water. When we came to one of the Open Days, we knew straight away that this is the place where we want to live!” Helen said.

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