Since 2006 residents at Jewells Lifestyle Community on the northern central coast of NSW have continued to fill their kettles, bake cakes and gather friends and family to raise funds for the annual Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea.

After 12 years of fundraising they finally surpassed the $50,000 mark last week.

Village resident and organiser Penny Gawthorn says that the goodwill within their community over the years has been extraordinary. Starting with just 16 guests in 2006 and raising $300 they now regularly host 100 guests and raise $4,000 which is no mean feat for the small village. She added that it is really humbling that they have raised so much to support those whose lives are affected by cancer.

Last week’s event had a particular poignancy as Jewell Village lost two of its own residents to cancer in the past year. Bruce Keenan and Pat Nolan were amongst the original supporters of the fundraiser and this year’s morning tea was dedicated to their memory.

According to Penny the months of hard work she puts in to ensure the Biggest Morning Tea is an annual success is made so worthwhile by the many stories of cancer survivors who benefit from the funds raised.

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