Melbourne-based Steller Lifestyles is proposing to build 281 units on the eastern side of Frankston-Flinders Rd at Bittern.

However around 40 local residents have united to oppose the development.

They say that the village is too high for the local area, worsen traffic issues and will take away from its “neighbourhood character”.

Steller had already been forced to reduce the number of units and has now taken their application to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for mediation.

But land lease community developer Lifestyle Communities is already building another village with 209 units on the western side of the road. This site is zoned low density.

Should the development go ahead, it would be a change of pace for Steller, which mainly works on low-rise developments of between 20 and 40 apartments.

Picture: Lifestyle Communities’ planned community at Bittern

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