Residents of Logan retirement village Opal by Living Gems have achieved a noble contribution to supporting cancer research, participating in the Jimboomba Relay for Life event which was held on 7-8 October.

Nola Green, Cheryl Hitchin and Desiley Bell led a team of 50 residents, starting with a goal of $5,000 and ended up exceeded even their own expectations by raising a total of $7,409.15.

At the closing ceremony on the Sunday morning, the Opal by Living Gems team was applauded as a ‘late starter’ for this year’s event, yet still raised the second-largest contribution overall.

The team was also presented the ‘Spirit of Relay’ trophy, which is awarded to an individual or team that displayed exemplary effort.

“It was a fantastic weekend and everyone who came enjoyed themselves,” says Nola, one of the organisers of the Opal by Living Gems team.

“Thank you to everyone in our team and the community of Opal by Living Gems for your hard work, support and enthusiasm.”

Team organisers Nola, Cheryl and Desiley were inspired to enter the relay by a recent Biggest Morning Tea event. Their inspiration led them to take on their own fundraising initiative, and so the idea and the team to enter Relay for Life was formed.

“There are a lot of people even in the retirement village who have been touched by cancer personally in addition to family and friends,” says Nola.

“Just like so many others, I have had many family and friends that have battled cancer and wanted to do something for them.”

She said the response was amazing not only from the residents, but also from Opal by Living Gems management.

“Kevin and Marie and Lyn have been so helpful and have been doing so much for us, as has Sandra in marketing.”

Teams completed a walking relay around a set course for 18 hours – from 3pm to 9am – with several poignant and symbolic marks of respect to sufferers, survivors, and those who have passed away and the families that they have left behind.

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