We had decided it was time to move. We had a five bedroom home and we were sick of the gum leaves (and the maintenance). We wanted something brand new – we weren’t interested in renovating kitchens and so on. This was perfect.

The design of our homes here at The Landings is really intelligent. Both Sally and I have had some knee and hip replacements and when the occupational therapist came in she said: “There are no steps, not a one”.

There is not even a hob on the shower. We could both recuperate at home – we did not have to go to somewhere like Lady Davidson. It was most agreeable.

We joined the Garden Committee for the village which has been most satisfying, and we have been able to plant out our own outlook in our garden here, which has grown terrifically.

We have just had a wonderful life here. We advise everyone, just make the move now while you can, because we won’t always be together and when one goes, there is a strong community to provide support. It’s a great comfort and just makes a lot of sense.

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