The State Government has released the timetable for its promised 2017 changes to the legislation:

•             Stage 1 May to June 2018 – consultation on pre-contractual disclosure; access to documents; and reinstatement of units (to be implemented August to October 2018);

•             Stage 2 October 2018 to January 2019 – consultation on changes in village operators and retirement village contracts (to be implemented April to July 2019);

•             Stage 3 April to August 2019 – consultation on standard financial reports and budgets (to be implemented November 2019 to January 2020).

The Government is also funding five advocacy organisations to ensure residents understand their rights and can have their interests represented to village operators, services providers and park owners, and to the government.

Pictured: The changes have been introduced by QLD Housing Minister Mick de Brenni.

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