While he resigned in February, he did not leave the CEO post at Amana Living in Perth until last Friday, assisting in the transition with ex-Tourism WA chief Stephanie Buckland who was then headhunted to the role and commenced 1 August.

Now Glickman has announced that he is joining the Evermore Global team that includes Sara McKee in the UK and Bill Thomas in the US.

Evermore specialises in creating alternative approaches to ageing well and in particular alternatives to the traditional aged care home.

Bill Thomas is the founder of the Eden Alternative for instance which is now applied in 15 countries.

Glickman says he brings the operations experience of leading Amana, which is the largest WA village and aged care operator. Previously he was the CEO of the City of Fremantle for nine years.

He has also established From Left Field, a management consultancy specialising in strategy, facilitation, business improvement, executive mentoring and coaching. “Our approach to problem solving comes truly from left field”.

He will be in the UK in October working with Evermore Global.

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