"I have been here 20 years this month and haven't stopped laughing since. We came here looking for somewhere for Don's mum. I was working and Don was semi-retired. We got to the entrance and I said, ‘This is where I am going to live.'"

Leola: "I have been here 20 years this month and haven't stopped laughing since."

"We came here looking for somewhere for Don's mum. I was working and Don was semi-retired. We got to the entrance and I said, ‘This is where I am going to live.'"

"That was a Sunday. By Thursday we had sold our house, and Mum bought an apartment here on the Friday. The spot I wanted was just a slab of concrete and I wanted a fernery. They said ‘okay.' I worked as a corsetiere and I asked my boss if I could transfer to this area, which I did, and kept working. Don passed away nine years ago and Mum seven years ago. We had lots and lots of fun here together, it was really great. Since then I have met a friend who moved in to the next cluster and since then we have been all over Australia together."

"As a pensioner, I would not be able to afford to live like I do here. I would not be able to afford golf. You can also play croquet, pennant bowls, use the gym, the pool, the spa and do arts and crafts."

"People say it must be terrible having all those people living so close together. But it's what you make it - you can be as private or as outgoing as you like. I know a lot of people here, but I would be lucky to have people in my home here every three months - we are always out and you would never know that you are living in a detached house. Everything is very well planned with plenty of grounds. Then there is the nurse call button; that is worth the service fee on its own because you always feel there is someone there if you need them. I am 74 now and life is just a case of ‘no worries.'"

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