RetireAustralia has launched a new website designed to showcase residents and their experience in a RetireAustralia community.

The new site which went live on 7 June features new content with images, videos and testimonials featuring real residents from RetireAustralia’s 27 villages.

RetireAustralia CEO Alison Quinn said the update reflects the company’s strong resident-centric focus and that ensuring their residents have a positive experience of life in RetireAustralia’s villages is at the core of their business.

The new website celebrates these positive experiences and puts the residents themselves in the limelight.

Extensive user testing was undertaken prior to the launch to ensure the new site is optimised for older Australians who are researching life in a RetireAustralia village. The new design has improved usability and navigation, ensuring that visitors can find the information they’re looking for with one click.

Explore the new website at

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