RetireAustralia has had a successful month raising funds for mental health charities, R U OK? Day and beyondblue, reporting that over $3,000 was generated by community events in three states during September.

In addition to generating funds that will be donated evenly between the two charities, the events have served as wonderful opportunities to boost morale of retirement village residents and the wider community through togetherness and communication, according to RetireAustralia CEO Alison Quinn.

“Our communities offer residents plenty of support, and are a place to connect socially and create meaningful relationships,” Ms Quinn said.                                                           

A total of 17 retirement villages across Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia held morning or afternoon teas, most including guest speakers and activities that invited hundreds of residents and members of the respective communities to come together and talk, with the aim to foster meaningful conversations about the ever changing conditions of life. The response to the events held nation-wide was overwhelmingly positive.                                                                                              

“We are delighted to have brought people together, while raising money for two important organisations,” added Ms Quinn.                                                           

Held annually since its foundation in 2009, R U OK? Day is a national day of action dedicated to connecting with others with one simple but potentially life-changing question. beyondblue, currently chaired by Julia Gillard, was founded in 2000 and works in partnership with a range of organisations to address issues linked to mental health in Australia.

Both organisations have increased awareness campaigns across Australian retirement villages in an effort to improve wellbeing later in life.

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