The Retirement Village Association (RVA) and Property Council of Australia announced their intention to merge and form a new powerful voice for retirement communities in Australia.

“After months of productive discussions, the RVA and Property Council Boards have now unanimously endorsed a model to merge our two organisations, bringing together the breadth and experience of the RVA with the strength of the Property Council’s advocacy and member services around the country,” said RVA CEO Andrew Giles.

“The RVA has grown its membership greatly over the past decade, and this merger will provide more benefits and a stronger future for the industry and residents.”

The two Boards have agreed to create a new leadership group – the Retirement Living Council – as a new division of the Property Council to spearhead advocacy and public affairs for the industry.  This will comprise around 20 of Australia’s leading for-profit and not-for-profit firms.

Other RVA members will be welcomed into the Property Council and enjoy the benefits of an expanded suite of member services, with existing RVA resources and knowledge ported to the Property Council.

“The Retirement Living Council’s mission is to place the future of retirement communities at the centre of the policy radar of every government in Australia,” said Property Council of Australia Chief Operating Officer Ken Morrison.

“This merger gives the industry the political muscle it has been looking for and more benefits for the whole sector.

“With Australia set to have 5 million people over the age of 65 within 30 years, we need responsive and focused housing options for older people in this country.  This merger aims to make that happen,” said Mr Morrison.

Mr Giles said that the next step will be further consultation with RVA members before a formal resolution put to the AGM at the RVA National Conference on 14 November.

“This package has been designed to benefit the whole industry - from the small-scale operators to the largest institutions,” Mr Giles said.

“We encourage members to attend one of our information sessions or visit our website to find out more about the benefits of this proposal.”

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