Two leaders within the retirement village living industry, both winners of National Retirement Living Awards in 2016, have reflected on their outstanding contributions to village providers, and say that the future of retirement living will involve closer integration between general and care services, and offer greater choice to downsizing residents.

Emma Plasier, director of Shine Retirement, was decorated for her expert care in assisting retirees to find homes in both retirement villages and over 50s lifestyle parks around south east Queensland. She says the award ‘took her company to the next echelon,’ and she has since been able to positively advise village operators on what residents are seeking in retirement
living, and even collaborated with policy makers on legislation.

“The choices for retirees are growing, and this means it takes people longer to do their homework and make a decision. I recognised there was a gap in the market to help people find the right village to suit them,” Ms. Plasier says.

Meanwhile, Janet Fisher won the Programmed Property Services Village Manager of the Year category in 2016, for her sustained work at Lendlease’s Meadowvale retirement village in Melbourne.

“The award was a lovely acknowledgement, but I think the people who were most pleased were the actual residents, who saw it as a reflection of their village,” Ms. Fisher says.

Both Fisher and Plasier are passionate about the retirement living sector, which they are confident will expand and evolve to meet the needs of more Australians. 

“Retirement is now just a new stage of life. We need to shape products and services to meet each individual’s needs as they embark on this new life stage.”

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