On Wednesday the 21st of June, Churches of Christ Care will be hosting a complimentary event about retirement village living on Fraser Coast, Queensland, for senior residents in the area.

The event is intended to educate senior citizens on the benefits of retirement village living, what questions to ask before downsizing, and will also touch on the subject of recent changes to the pension and retirement living legislation, as well as exploring the benefits of specialist lawyers and financial planners.

Churches of Christ Care’s Retirement Living General Manager Beth Littler, said this is an event not to be missed.

“This seminar is a great opportunity for seniors, and their families, to find out valuable information about how their life may be enriched by village life and careful planning,” Ms Littler said.

The Shine Retirement Living Information Seminar will be held at the Carriers Arms Hotel in Maryborough from 10am to 12pm, on Wednesday the 21st of June.

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