A recent report entitled Planning to be Productive: The Detailed Retirement Planning Strategies of Australian Pre-Retirees examined the financial, health and leisure plans of 3230 people over 50, and found that more than half plan to spend time engaging in volunteer work.

Whether living in a retirement village or aged care, physical and mental activity is of visible importance. As well as an enthusiasm for volunteering, the report found that travel was significant for retirees in addition to joining social organisations and undertaking a new hobby.

As reported in the McCrindle Baynes 2011 village census, respondents felt financial planning was necessary to ensure their health and wellbeing, as well as to stay engaged in community, social and leisure activities. Extensive preparations by many mature age people are an indication of how much importance is placed on having a productive retirement.

An increase in the number of senior volunteers has been seen throughout retirement villages. Stephen Gook, Marketing Manager at Aveo Live Well has seen continued growth in the numbers of volunteering residents.

"Whether it’s helping out at our village, like helping set up a communal garden, or in the wider community, it's really great to see our residents lending a hand," he said.

For more details about volunteer programmes, visit Aveo Retirement Villages here

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