Australia is falling short on supplying suitable housing options for our nearly four million over-65’s, according to the Property Council’s latest Retirement Living Planning Report Card.

The Property Council wants states and local governments to reform their planning schemes to make sure there is land available for seniors’ housing like retirement villages and lifestyle communities.

The Property Council’s Executive Director of Retirement Living Ben Myers says without these changes to planning policy baby boomers may find themselves with limited options.

“Issues such as zoning and overly restrictive height controls can inhibit the redevelopment potential of existing communities to ensure the expectations of Australian retirees are met,” he said.

A much-needed initiative – but we also need to change our mindset around these developments.

Both South Australia and Brisbane have introduced incentives to promote seniors’ housing in recent years – both have been forced to back down in some part on these schemes because of community and resident opposition.

But with the number of older Australians set to more than double in the next 40 years, if we don’t build these developments in our own backyard, then where?

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