Local developer Mick McMahon and his wife have purchased the Mystic Sands golf course and its residential subdivision north of the city with plans to turn undeveloped land on the site into a retirement village.

The site, which stretches over 120 hectares, includes a nine-hole golf course and clubhouse, bowling green, tennis court, swimming pool, a group of developed residential blocks and a land subdivision.

The couple say they are now positioning the project as a family destination more in keeping with the small population in the area. They have employed eight people at the golf course and are working to upgrade the course and reopen its pro shop.

“We are trying to bring the course back up to its former glory. It was run down being in receivership for several years,” Mr McMahon told the Townsville Bulletin.

Some of the developed blocks have already been sold and the profits will go towards further improvements to the golf course.

“Down the track we are looking at a retirement village concept for the undeveloped land,” Mr McMahon added.

Picture: The Mystic Sands golf course and residential subdivision.

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