Acacia Living Group (formerly RSL Care WA) is giving retirees the opportunity to move into four of its seven villages for up to six months without paying an Entry Fee until 30 April 2019.


Under the special deal, residents only need to pay a monthly rent and a small part payment of the residence agreed market loan.

But it also gives those who may be unsure about moving into a village the chance to get to experience village life – and peace of mind that they are making the right decision.


They are not the only operator to allow potential residents to sample village life.


RetireAustralia has a free ‘Retire Ready Program’ designed to help prospective residents learn about every aspect of village life. The web-based guide provides interactive content to participants over five weeks, covering everything from contracts and community care through to expert tips on downsizing and the different options available if your needs do change.

The program also covers the lifestyle benefits – still the number one reason that people make the move to a village.


If you’re feeling more isolated or unsafe at home or finding it harder to take care of your home, retirement village life could be the answer.


We always suggest people interested in village life talk to other residents, go along to village events and seek independent advice before you sign a contract too.

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