Avondale Lifestyle Community resident, 96-year-old Enid Webster, will be running her fourth City2Surf road race this year, and in doing so has inspired staff at her Cooranbong retirement village to take up their own endurance challenges to strive for achievement.

Since news of Enid’s achievements spread, the staff at Avondale Lifestyle Community have participated in a variety of land, sea and cycling marathons in Australia and New Zealand, with all staff using the mantra, ‘If Enid can do it, I can do it,’ as motivation.

In addition to village staff, Adventist Senior Living CEO David Knight successfully took on the Blackmores Sydney Half Marathon in 2016, and completed the Port Macquarie Half Ironman this year, a gruelling 113km combination of swim, bike and run.

Mr. Knight applauds not only the efforts of Enid, but also those of his staff at Avondale Lifestyle Community.

“No matter the length of the event, or even the type of event from park run, to marathon, to ironman, to daily lunch time walk or swim, or even regular gym workout, there comes a time, despite fitness levels when you have to push past the hurt, the doubt, the lagging motivation, to get to the end. That represents real personal achievement and accomplishment”, he says.

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